Since this programme was first aired on 31st October it has been seen by over 149,226 viewers.
In addition there were over 5,000 viewers on EuTube which closed down on new year’s day.
Eighty Two years ago American astronomer Karl Jansky constructed the world's first radio telescope and discovered radio waves coming from the Milky Way, which paved the way for a new branch of astronomical research. Last month the final antenna for the Large Millimetre/sub millimetre Array (ALMA) project was handed over to the observatory by the European AEM Consortium to complete the world's largest radio telescope complex in Chile. Therefore In this month's programme, our main theme is radio astronomy.
We also take a look at the highlights for November including a total eclipse of the Sun, on November 3rd, the Leonid meteors, and the latest news about comet ISON. You may also wish to try and glimpse the Ashen light on the night side of the planet Venus.